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February 9, 2000

Still Riding the Weather Roller Coaster
Well I must say it was great to see so many Savvygardeners at the Lawn & Garden Show this past weekend.  I also enjoyed getting to actually meet some of you!  Wasn't it terrific to see all of those beautiful displays and flowers?  It makes me wish spring was here.  This dose of mild weather sure does help but don't be fooled it may be very short lived.  It sounds like we might even see some flakes this weekend.

Cheer up!  Spring gets closer every day!
~ Shelly               

February, The Month of Love
Speaking of beautiful flowers, don't forget that February is the month of love.  Give your special Savvygardener a gift to remember.  A potted bouquet of forced bulbs is beautiful and can be planted in the garden later on.  If your significant other really loves gardening you might also consider a copy of "Gardening in the Heartland" the book reviewed in this issue.

Good Seeds? Bad Seeds?
Each year as I prepare to start my seeds indoors I inevitably find a packet or two of seeds from last year.  Here's a trick I use to determine if they are still good:
  • Take ten seeds from the package and place them on a paper towel that you have moistened with warm water.
  • Fold the paper towel over to cover the seeds.
  • Keep the towel moist and warm (on top of the fridge usually works for warmth) until they start to germinate.
  • If less than six seeds (60%) germinate you might as well throw the rest away.
  • If six or more germinate it will be worthwhile to plant the rest.
  • Don't waste your test seeds! The ones that germinate should be carefully moved to your preferred seedling container and cared for until ready for transplanting outdoors.

Lawns Are Gettin' Green
I've noticed a lot of lawns looking green due to the snowfall we received.  While the snow seems like a lot of moisture it's really not.  It takes 8-10 inches of snow to equal one inch of rain.  So don't forget to keep an eye on evergreens as well as areas that you have planted bulbs.  Since precipitation has been scarce they will need to be watered if this dry weather continues.

A Really Good Book...
At the Lawn & Garden Show last week many of you asked about gardening books that are specifically aimed at the Kansas City gardener.  There is one book in particular that we have used for years.  "Gardening in the Heartland" by Rachel Snyder is required reading for any Kansas City area gardener.  We have published a full review of this fine book at our website.  Simply follow the "Books We Love" link at the top left of this newsletter.

Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree.  The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, But which will bloom most constantly?  Emily Bronte, English Novelist, 1818-1848


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