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Many gardeners view shade as a
challenging situation for growing plants. While some plants do not grow
well in low light, numerous others thrive under these conditions. Just as
moisture, temperature, and soil conditions may limit plant growth, the
amount of shade present may determine which plants will grow successfully.
The key is to discover which ones are adapted to the conditions in your
yard or garden.
Landscapes change their
degree of shade over time. As trees and shrubs mature, the landscape
receives greater shade. What was once a sunny garden may evolve into a
shady one. Analyze the degree of shade in your garden periodically to
determine if changes in plant materials may be needed due to increased
shade from a maturing landscape.
Several characteristics
typify shade gardening. In addition to low light levels, plants growing in
the shade must compete with shading trees for nutrients and water, and
tolerate poor air circulation.
Lack of light
The best way to cope with low
light levels is to choose plants that do well in less light. Plant lists
later in this publication provide suggestions for plants tolerant toward
various types of shade. The lists are not meant to be complete, but merely
provide a starting point for choosing plants adapted to the conditions in
your garden. Plants that tolerate low light levels often will grow more
vigorously in brighter areas, provided they receive adequate moisture.
Light shade may be
described as an area that is shaded but bright. It may be completely
shaded for only several hours each day. The sun's rays may be blocked by a
wall or building for several hours at midday, but the area is sunny the
rest of the day. Light shade may also be found in areas that receive
filtered or dappled sunlight for longer periods. Edges of shady gardens or
areas under the canopy of solitary, lightly branched trees are typical of
filtered sunlight. During the heat of summer, light shade at midday will
provide a beneficial cooling effect. Flower and foliage color may be more
brilliant when plants are shielded from intense midday sunlight.
Partial or medium
shade is present when direct sun rays are blocked from an area for
most of the day. Many established landscapes have large areas of partial
shade, where sections of the yard are shaded by mature trees for much of
the day but receive some direct sun early or late in the day. Bright,
north-facing exposures may also be classified as medium shade.
Full shade lasts all
day. Little or no direct sunlight reaches the ground at any time of the
day. There may be reflected light from sunnier areas of the yard or off
light-colored walls. Dense shade refers to full shade under thick tree
canopies or in dense groves of trees. Areas under stairways, decks or
covered patios on the north side of the house receive full shade.
Keep in mind that light
patterns change with the seasons. An area that is in full sun in summer
when the sun is high in the sky may have medium shade in spring and fall,
when the sun is at a lower angle. Study your garden through the seasons to
accurately determine what type of shade is present.
Available sunlight may be
increased by selective pruning (see Figure 1). Removal of lower limbs on
large trees may increase light levels significantly. Large shade trees are
a valuable resource that in most cases should be preserved. However,
removal of diseased, unattractive, or poorly placed trees improves the
beauty of your property and increases the light available for plant

Figure 1. Prune tree branches high to improve air circulation in shade
Take advantage of reflected
light, if possible. White or light-colored surfaces reflect more light
than dark-colored ones. Light-colored house siding or fences may increase
available light to plants.
Plants growing in the shade
often must also compete with roots of shading trees for nutrients and
moisture. Shallow rooted trees such as maples and willows are particularly
Adding organic matter to
shade garden soils will help. Most woodland species are accustomed to
growing in soils rich in leaf litter compost. Raking and removal of leaves
each fall in the typical landscape disrupts this natural nutrient
recycling process. If leaves are not removed, they can mat down and
smother shade garden plants, but shredded leaves can be safely applied as
a mulch. Another option is to compost the leaves first, and apply the
compost in core aeration holes or in small pockets dug into the garden. Do
not haul in several inches of compost-rich amendment to till into soil
under shade trees. Some species, such as oaks, are extremely sensitive to
changes in soil depth within their root zone. In addition, tillage will
damage many of the tree's roots, starting a decline from which the tree
may never recover. If the gardener is patient, earthworms will eventually
incorporate surface-applied organic matter. Organic matter loosens heavy
clay soils, improving drainage. In sandy soils, organic matter will
increase the water-holding capacity. As organic matter breaks down, it
also releases nutrients to the plants.
Roots competing for limited
surface water may cause shade gardens to dry out more quickly than sunny
sites during extended dry periods. Some shade-tolerant plants are adapted
to low moisture situations, while others require moist shade. Provide
water according to the plants' needs.
Poor air circulation
Branches or walls that cast
shade also block air movement. Poor air circulation coupled with lower
light levels means foliage of plants stays wet longer in the shade than in
sunny areas. Most plant disease problems are worse under these conditions.
Prevent disease problems by selecting disease-resistant varieties when
available. Space plants farther apart in the shade to allow more air
movement around each individual plant. Water with soaker hoses or drip
irrigation systems to avoid wetting the foliage. Removal of lower tree
limbs may funnel breezes underneath the tree canopy, thereby improving air
Design considerations in the
Bright, bold colors are less
common in shade tolerant plants than in sun-loving ones. Flowers are
usually produced less abundantly in the shade as well. For these reasons,
shade gardens are often more subtle and restful than sunny ones. Plant
textures, forms, and slight color differences become more important
elements of the design (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Variegated foliage patterns and light-colored bark add
dimension and interest to a shady garden.
Texture has many aspects.
Large-leaved plants such as hostas have a coarse texture, while finely
divided fern fronds create a fine texture. Strong contrasts in texture
accentuate their differences. Use strong textural contrasts only where
emphasis is needed.
Pyramidal or upright,
columnar plant forms serve best as accents in the shade. Rounded, weeping,
or spreading forms create a more spacious effect and can be used more
liberally in the design.
Glossy leaves have more
impact than dull or velvety ones. Variegated or yellow-green foliage is
evident in the shade more than solid green or blue-green foliage. Light
colors — white, cream, yellow and pastel pink — stand out in the
shade. Deep reds, blues and purples may fade into the shade unless set off
by a contrasting lighter color. To emphasize plantings in the shade,
concentrate on plants with light-colored flowers or foliage.
Woody plants for the shade
Understory trees. Many
small trees and large shrubs thrive under large shade trees (see Tables 1
and 2). These small trees are often a good size plant to use in small,
urban yards where space and light may be limited.
Table 1. Understory trees.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
American hop hornbeam,
Ironwood, Ostrya virginiana |
Light to medium |
25 to 40' tall, 15 to
30' wide |
Best in dry sites.
Fruits enclosed in a papery membrane resembling hops. Native. |
American hornbeam,
Blue beech, Ironwood, Carpinus caroliniana |
Light, medium or full |
20 to 30' tall and
wide |
Does best in moist
sites, but tolerates drier conditions. Can be difficult to
transplant. Moderately slow grower. Good yellow to orange-red fall
color. Native. |
Carolina silverbell, Halesia
carolina |
Light to medium |
30 to 40' tall, 20 to
35' wide |
Dangling white,
bell-shaped flowers in mid-spring, followed by winged brown fruits
in fall. Prefers moist, acidic, well-drained soils. |
Flowering dogwood, Cornus
florida |
Light to medium |
20 to 30' tall and
wide |
Make certain plant
source is from northern, hardy range of dogwood. Showy white or
pink bracts in midspring, followed by clusters of red fruits in
fall. Needs moist, well-drained soil. |
Kousa dogwood, Cornus
kousa |
Light to medium |
20 to 30' tall and
wide |
Large white bracts
similar to, but 2 to 3 weeks after, flowering dogwood. Red fruits
in late summer to early fall. Reddish-purple fall foliage.
Generally good resistance to the dogwood anthracnose fungus. |
tolerance |
name |
Size |
Comments |
Ohio buckeye, Aesculus
glabra |
Light to medium |
20 to 40' tall and
wide |
Early to leaf out in
spring. Prickly fruit covering opens to reveal chestnut brown
"buckeyes." Dropping fruits can be messy. Fall color
yellow to orange. Susceptible to leaf spot diseases. Leaf scorch
common in hot, dry sites. |
Pagoda dogwood, Cornus
alternifolia |
Light to medium |
15 to 25' tall and
wide |
Interesting layered
branching pattern. Creamy white flowers in late spring not as
showy as flowering dogwood. Flowers followed by red turning
bluish-black fruits in mid- to late summer. Does best with moist,
cool soils. |
Juneberry, A. x grandiflora |
Light to medium |
15 to 25' tall, 10 to
20' wide |
Clusters of white
flowers in early spring followed by edible blue berries in late
spring to early summer, much appreciated by birds. Does best in
moist soils, but tolerates dry sites. Difficult to distinguish
species unless in flower or fruit. Yellow to red fall color. |
Sourwood, Lily of the
Valley Tree Oxydendrum arboreum |
Light to medium |
25 to 30' tall, 20'
wide |
Long showy panicles of
white flowers produced in early summer. Flowers best in full sun.
Fall foliage color red, yellow and purple. Does best in gravelly
soils. |
Table 2. Deciduous shrubs.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Arrowwood viburnum, Viburnum
dentatum |
Light to medium |
8 to 12' tall, 6 to
12' wide |
Creamy white flower
clusters in late spring, followed by blue-black berries in fall.
Fall color varies from yellow to reddish-purple. Adapted to many
soil conditions. Suckers freely. |
Bottlebrush buckeye, Aesculus
parviflora |
Light to medium |
8 to 12' tall, 8 to
15' wide |
Showy panicles of
white flowers in midsummer. Suckering, multistemmed shrub. Better
pest tolerance than other buckeyes. |
Burkwood viburnum, Viburnum
x burkwoodii |
Light to medium |
8 to 10' tall, 6 to 8'
wide |
Flowers pink in bud,
opening to fragrant white clusters 3" across in early spring.
Semi-evergreen foliage. Adapts to most pHs. Prefers moist soil.
Many similar hybrids are available in the nursery trade. |
Common witchhazel, Hamamelis
virginiana |
Light, medium to full |
20 to 25' tall, 15 to
20' wide |
Yellow, straplike
flowers in late fall, often at the same time as leaves are colored
yellow. Best in moist shade. |
Highbush cranberry, Viburnum
trilobum |
Light to medium |
8 to 12' tall and wide |
White, 4"
clusters of flowers in midspring, followed by bright red fruits in
fall, persisting into winter. Fall foliage color ranges from
yellow to reddish-purple. 'Compactum' and Arnold' are dwarf
versions, 3 to 6' tall. |
Japanese kerria, Kerria
japonica |
Light, medium to full |
3 to 6' tall, 6 to 9'
wide |
Spreading, arching
plant with yellowish-green stems. Bright yellow flowers in
midspring and sporadically through the season. Does best with low
fertility and well-drained soils. |
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Koreanspice viburnum, Viburnum
carlesii |
Light to medium |
4 to 8' tall and wide |
Fragrant pinkish-white
flowers in midspring. Dark green summer foliage sometimes turning
purple in fall. 'Cayuga' is more disease tolerant. |
Large fothergilla, Fothergilla
major |
Light to medium |
6 to 10' tall, 4 to 8'
wide |
White, bottlebrush
tufts of flowers in midspring. Fall leaf color is a mix of yellow,
orange and red. Requires acidic soil. |
Leatherwood, Dirca
palustris |
Light, medium to full |
3 to 6' tall and wide |
Small yellow flowers
in early spring. Yellow-green foliage. Prefers moist shade.
New Jersey tea, Ceanothus
americanus |
Light to medium |
3 to 4' tall, 3 to 5'
wide |
Small white flowers in
summer. Tolerates dry sites. Some leaf spot and mildew problems. |
Oakleaf hydrangea, Hydrangea
quercifolia |
Light to medium |
4 to 8' tall, 3 to 5'
wide |
White flowers in
summer, changing to pink, then brown. Coarse, oak-leaf shaped
foliage. Best in moist, well-drained soil. |
Redosier dogwood, Cornus
sericea |
Light to medium |
8 to 12' tall and wide |
Noted for dark red
bark coloration. Prune out old stems to maintain best color. White
flower clusters in late spring and sporadically through the
summer. Fall color is sometimes reddish-purple. Compact forms
'Isanti' and 'Kelseyi' are susceptible to leaf spots. |
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Shrubby St. Johnswort,
Hypericum prolificum |
Light to medium |
2 to 5' tall, 2 to 4'
wide |
Bluish-green foliage
color. Bright yellow 1" flowers in summer. Seed capsules
persist through winter. Well-adapted to dry, heavy soils. |
Smooth hydrangea, Hydrangea
arborescens |
Light, medium to full |
3 to 5' tall and wide |
Cultivar 'Annabelle'
produces panicles of flowers up to 1' wide in mid- to late summer.
Cut back to ground each winter. Suckers and spreads from roots.
Does best with moisture. |
Sweet pepperbush, Clethra
alnifolia |
Light, medium or full |
3 to 8' tall and 3 to
6' wide |
Fragrant white to pink
flowers in summer. Good for heavy shade and wet sites. Spreads
slowly through suckers. |
Virginia sweetspire, Itea
virginica |
Light, medium or full |
3 to 5' tall and wide |
Fragrant racemes of
white flowers in summer. Deep red fall foliage color. Does best in
moist sites. |
Winterberry, Ilex
verticillata |
Light to medium |
6 to 12' tall and wide |
A deciduous holly.
Separate male and female plants. Bright red berries on females in
fall through early winter. Prefers moist, acid soil. |
Broad-leaved evergreens generally need protection from winter winds and
afternoon sun to prevent browning of leaves. Often, sites on the north or
east sides of buildings are best (see Table 3).
Table 3. Evergreens.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
American holly, Ilex
opaca |
Light to medium |
15 to 30' tall, 10 to
20' wide |
Native to southeast
Missouri. Slow growing. Best treated as a large shrub, although it
can become a medium-sized tree. Separate male and female plants.
Red berries produced on females if pollinated by male. Needs a
protected site in the north. |
Canada hemlock, Tsuga
canadensis |
Light to medium |
40 to 60' tall, 25 to
30' wide |
Easily kept sheared to
a height of 3 to 5' as a hedge. Needs well-drained soil, but
doesn't tolerate drought or drying winds. Very cold hardy. |
Drooping leucothoe,
Fetterbush, Leucothoe fontanesiana |
Light, medium or full |
3 to 6' tall and wide |
Fragrant white flowers
in spring. Species has green to bronzy foliage. Some selection
have been made for white to pink variegation in foliage color.
Fall color is purplish-red. Does best in moist, acid, protected
sites. Best in the southern half of Missouri. Leaf spot can be
serious. |
Japanese holly, lex
crenata |
Light to medium |
5 to 10' tall and wide |
Much variability in
size and hardiness of cultivars. Some take many years to reach 3'
in height. Best adapted to the southern half of the state. Finer
texture than American holly. Nonshowy, black fruits are produced
on female plants. |
Japanese pieris, Pieris
japonica |
Light to medium |
5' tall and wide |
Panicles of white,
pink or red flowers in springtime. Flower buds are formed the
previous summer, and are attractive through the winter. Foliage is
deep green, sometimes emerging red as in the cultivar 'Mountain
Fire.' Best in the southern half of the state. |
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Leatherleaf viburnum, Viburnum
rhytidophyllum |
Light to medium |
10 to 15' tall and
wide |
Upper leaf surface is
leathery green, underside is grayish brown. Semi-evergreen. May
suffer some dieback in severe winters, but will resprout from
base. White flower clusters in midspring, followed by red fruits
turning black in fall. |
Littleleaf boxwood, Buxus
microphylla |
Light and wide |
3 to 4' tall |
Var. koreana is
extremely hardy, but yellows during winter. 'Wintergreen'
maintains better green color through winter. Shallow-rooted plants
do best with mulching to keep roots cool and moist. Common
boxwood, B. sepervirens, is best suited to southeast Missouri. |
Oregon grapeholly, Mahonia
aquifolium |
Light to medium |
3 to 5' tall and wide |
Bright yellow clusters
of flowers in spring followed by blue-black berries that hang on
into winter. Foliage resembles holly. Unfolds reddish-bronze,
turning medium green in summer. Semi-evergreen through winter. |
Rhododendron, Rhododendron
sp. |
Light to medium |
Variable |
Many species and
hybrids of azaleas and rhododendrons are available. All do best in
light shade with acidic, well-drained soils. Some are deciduous,
and some are evergreen. 'P.J.M.' and 'Nova Zembla' are two of the
hardiest evergreen types. See MU publication G
6825, Growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons, for more
details. |
Spreading euonymus, Euonymus
kiautschovicus |
Light to medium |
4 to 8' tall and wide |
Glossy semi-evergreen
foliage. 'Manhattan' and Paulii' are most common varieties. |
Yew, Taxus x media |
Light, medium or full |
Variable |
As a hybrid of two
other species, plants vary from upright to spreading forms.
'Hicks' is a common upright cultivar. 'Taunton' is a spreading
form only 3 to 4' tall which shows good resistance to winter burn
and good heat tolerance. Needs well-drained soil. Female clones
may produce red fruits. |
Groundcovers and vines
Since few turf grasses are well
adapted to shady conditions, groundcovers are often an excellent
alternative to turf in the shade (see Table 4). Rather than struggling to
keep grass alive in these problem areas, choose from among the following
groundcovers that do best with some protection from full sun. Some may be
used either as a groundcover or a shade-tolerant vine.
Table 4. Groundcovers and
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Ajuga, Carpetweed,
Bugleweed, Arjuga reptans |
Light, medium or full |
4" tall, flower
spikes to 12" |
Semi-evergreen foliage
ranges from solid green to variegated green, white and
burgundy/red. Flower color is usually blue or purple, but some
pink or white forms are available. The closely related A.
pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa' has bronze foliage and blue flowers
in spring. |
Bethlehem sage,
Lungwort, Pulmonaria saccharata |
Light, medium or full |
1 to 1/2' tall |
Rosettes of straplike
leaves, most varieties with some silvery mottling. 'Mrs. Moon' is
a good variety. Pink flower buds open to blue flowers in spring. |
Boston ivy, Parthenocissus
tricuspidata |
Light, medium or full |
6 to 12" tall to
50' in length |
Native vine with
three-lobed leaves. Similar in growth habit and requirements to
Virginia creeper. Lustrous green leaves turn red in fall. |
Common periwinkle, Vinca
minor |
Light to medium |
6" tall |
Vining, matlike
evergreen groundcover. Glossy green leaves. Blue flowers in spring
and sporadically through the summer. Grows well under trees. |
English ivy, Hedera
helix |
Light, medium or full |
6 to 12" tall |
Trailing evergreen
vine. Prune or mow annually to maintain density. Many selections
available. Leafspot can be a problem. Grows well under trees. |
Epimedium, Barrenwort,
Epimedium sp. |
Light, medium or full |
Most are 1 to 1-1/2'
tall |
trifoliate leaves, often with some red or bronze coloration.
Flowers in spring are usually yellow or white, resembling small
orchids. Relatively slow growing. |
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Hosta, Plantain lily, Hosta
sp. |
Light, medium to full |
varies from 3" to
3' tall |
Many species and
cultivars of hosta are available. Foliage colors range from solid
green, yellow-green or blue-green to variegated forms with white
or gold markings. Many produce stalks of white to lavender
flowers. Tolerate most growing conditions. |
Japanese spurge, Pachysandra
terminalis |
Light to medium |
8 to 10 tall |
Glossy green,
semi-evergreen foliage. White flowers in spring. The Allegheny
pachysandra, P. procumbens, is native, and better adapted to
Missouri's climate, but more difficult to find. |
Lily-of-the-Valley, Convallaria
majalis |
Light, medium or full |
8" tall |
Fragrant stalks of
white bell-shaped flowers in late spring. Foliage may deteriorate
late in the season. Prefers moist, fertile sites, but tolerates
most shady locations. |
Lilyturf, Liriope
spicata |
Light, medium or full |
1' tall |
Dark green, grasslike
foliage. White to lavender flower spikes similar to grape
hyacinths develop in late summer. L. muscari, Big blue lilyturf
grows to 1-1/2' tall and produces dark purple flowers. It is best
in the southern half of the state. |
Mock strawberry, Duchesnea
indica |
Light, medium or full |
6" tall |
trailing foliage. Rampant grower. Yellow blossoms through much of
the summer, followed by strawberry-like fruits. Tolerates drought
and heat. |
Plumbago, Leadwort,
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides |
Light to medium |
12" tall |
Deep blue flowers from
midsummer through fall. Yellow, red and bronze fall foliage
contrasts nicely with flowers. Slow to start growth in spring. |
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Sweet woodruff, Galium
odoratum |
Medium to full |
6 to 8" tall |
Whorls of bright green
leaves around creeping stems. Small white flowers in late spring.
Prefers moist soil. |
Virginia creeper,
Woodbine, Parthenocissus quinquefolia |
Light, medium or full |
1' tall to 50' long |
Tough vine for most
any situation. Will climb to tree tops. Colors early in the fall,
developing a red or purplish coloration. Engelmann ivy is similar,
but with smaller leaves. |
Wild ginger, Asarum
canadense |
Light, medium or full |
6" tall |
Native to Missouri
woodlands. Deciduous, heart-shaped, leathery green leaves. Flowers
are purplish brown in spring, but usually hidden by leaves.
European ginger, A. europaeum is evergreen with glossy
foliage. |
Wintercreeper, Euonymus
fortunei |
Light, medium or full |
1/2 to 2' tall |
Vining woody
semi-evergreen groundcover. Many cultivars are available: 'Coloratus'
turns purple in winter, 'Emerald Gaiety' has variegated white leaf
margins, 'Emerald and Gold' is variegated green and yellow. Scale
insects can be a severe problem. |
Yellow archangel, Dead
nettle, Lamiastrum galeobdolon |
Light, medium or full |
1 to 1-1/2' tall |
Fast-growing vinelike
groundcover. The form with silver variegation is most desirable.
Yellow flowers in late spring. Shear in midsummer for more compact
growth. |
Many spring flowering bulbs grow
well in shady sites, particularly under trees that leaf out late in the
spring. The bulbs bloom early, and complete their growth for the year
before the shade becomes too dense. Daffodil (Flowering Annuals:
Characteristics and Culture.
Table 5. Perennial
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Alumroot, Coral bells,
Heuchera |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
American alumroot, H.
americana, is grown primarily for its foliage. 'Palace Purple' is
a purplish-bronze leaved selection. Coral bells, H. sanguinea,
produce airy panicles of rose, pink or white blooms through much
of the summer if old flower stalks are removed. |
Astilbe, False Spirea,
Astilbe sp. |
Light to medium |
6" to 4' tall |
Numerous species,
cultivars and hybrids are available, with flower colors ranging
from white, to pink, red, and lavender during summer. Finely
divided foliage is fernlike. Require moisture through the summer,
but need good drainage through the winter. |
Balloon flower, Platycodon
grandiflorus |
Light to medium |
1 to 3' tall |
Flower buds look like
inflated balloons. Open to bell-shaped blue, pink or white blooms.
Slow to emerge in spring. |
Campanula sp. |
Light to medium |
3" to 4' tall |
Many species
available. Blue, purple or white flowers through much of the
summer. Most prefer partial shade in the heat of the summer. |
Bergenia, Pigsqueak, Bergenia
cordifolia |
Light, medium or full |
6" to 1' tall |
Large, shiny evergreen
leaves often develop purplish coloration in winter. Clusters of
pink flowers in the spring.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Bleedingheart, Dicentra
sp. |
Light to medium |
1 to 3' tall |
bleedingheart, D. spectabilis, produces arches of pink,
heart-shaped blooms in spring, then dies down. D. eximia,
fringed bleedingheart, and its hybrids are smaller, have
finer-textured foliage and repeat blooms all season long. |
Bugloss, Brunnera
macrophylla |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
Green, heart-shaped
leaves. Clusters of small, true-blue flowers in spring. Tolerates
dry shade, but prefers moisture. |
Cardinal flower, Lobelia
cardinalis |
Light to medium |
3 to 4' tall |
Brilliant spires of
red flowers in late summer. Cultivated forms may have green or
bronze foliage. Needs moist soil. |
Christmas fern, Polystichum
acrostichoides |
Medium to full |
2' tall |
Native, evergreen
fern. Dark green foliage provides a nice backdrop for other
plants. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Leathery fronds are
useful in floral arrangements. |
Cranesbill, Geranium, Geranium
sp. |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
Many species and
cultivars are available. Flower color is usually pink to blue, but
some whites are available. Flowers are most abundant in early
summer, with some varieties blooming all season. Most form
spreading clumps suitable as a groundcover. |
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Daylily, Hemerocallis
sp. |
Light to medium |
1 to 3' tall |
Daylilies tolerate
fairly deep shade, but will bloom best in sun. Adaptable to most
soil types. |
Hardy ageratum, Mist
flower, Eupatorium coelestinum |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
Powder puff blue
flowers in late summer to fall. Prefers at least partial sun.
Spreads readily. |
Lady's mantle, Alchemilla
mollis |
Light to medium |
1 to 1-1/2' tall |
Silky, palmate leaves
collect dewdrops. Lime green flowers in spring to early summer.
Prefers moist site. |
Ostrich fern, Matteuccia
pensylvanica |
Light, medium to full |
4' tall |
Fiddleheads in spring
unfold to lacy medium green leaves. Needs moisture to prevent leaf
scorch. |
Toad lily, Tricyrtis
hirta |
Light to medium |
2 to 3' tall |
Produces multiple
white flowers mottled with purple in late summer to fall. Exotic
appearance. Prefers moisture. |
Turtlehead, Chelone
sp. |
Light to medium |
3 to 4' tall |
Pink turtlehead, C.
lyonii, has pink flowers in late summer to early fall on
upright plants with glossy green foliage. C. obliquahas
deeper rose colored blooms. Both need moisture. |
Table 6. Annual flowers.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Ageratum, Flossflower,
Ageratum houstonianum |
Light to medium |
6 to 12" tall |
Powderpuff blue
flowers on mounded plants all season long. Several varieties have
white or pink blooms. |
Browallia, Browallia
speciosa |
Light to medium |
6 to 12" tall |
Purple, blue or white
trumpet-shaped flowers through much of the summer. Flowers best
with limited fertility and dry conditions. |
Coleus, Coleus x
hybridus |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
Grown for its colorful
foliage rather than flowers. Leaves may be chartreuse, pink, red,
white or green with many different patterns on the leaf. |
Flowering tobacco, Nicotiana
alata |
Light to medium |
1 to 3' tall |
This relative of
petunia has flower colors ranging from white to pink, red, lime,
and yellow. |
Foxglove, Digitalis
purpurea |
Light to medium |
2 to 5' tall |
Most plants in the
species are biennials, blooming only the second year after
planting, but 'Foxy' reliably produces spikes of pinkish purple
blooms the first year from seed.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Impatiens, Impatiens
wallerana |
Light, medium or full |
6" to 2' tall |
One of the best plants
for color in the shade. Flower colors range from white to pink,
red, orange, lilac and variegations of these. Need moisture and
warm temperatures. |
Lobelia, Lobelia
erinus |
Light to medium |
6" tall |
Most cultivars have a
spreading growth habit with sky blue to deep blue blossoms.
Several cultivars have white or reddish blooms. Does best with
adequate moisture and cool temperatures. |
Pansy, Viola x
wittrockiana |
Light to medium |
6" tall |
Cool season annual.
Overwinters as a fall planting for color in fall and spring. Many
flower color combinations to choose from. |
Wax begonia, Begonia
semperflorens |
Light, medium or full |
6" to 2' tall |
Season long bloom in
red, pink or white flowers. Foliage may be solid green or bronze. |
Wishbone flower, Torenia
fournieri |
Light to medium |
1' tall |
Does best in cool part
of growing season. Tubular flowers with yellow throat and purple
and white or pink and white bicolor petals. |
Most turf grasses perform best
in the sun. Some cultivars of cool-season grasses such as fescues,
ryegrass, and bluegrass have been selected for their tolerance to shady
conditions. See MU publication G6725,
in Shade, for a listing of shade tolerant turf varieties as well
as suggestions for improving turf growth in the shade. Several ornamental
grasses and grass-like plants perform well in the shade (see Table 7).
Table 7. Grasses.
name |
tolerance |
Size |
Comments |
Bottlebrush grass, Hystrix
patula |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
Green flower spikes
resembling bottlebrushes rise 1 to 2' above the foliage in summer.
Flowers turn brown by late summer, and shatter by late fall.
Native woodland plant. |
Hakonegrass, Hakenochloa
macra |
Light to medium |
1 to 2' tall |
Horizontal weeping
foliage is similar to bamboo. 'Aureola' has yellow foliage
streaked with green. Prefers moist soil, but not wet clay. |
Maiden grass, Silver
grass Miscanthus sinensis |
Light |
4 to 6' tall |
Surprisingly tolerant
of shade. Variegated cultivars such as porcupine grass, zebra
grass, 'Variegatus' and 'Morning Light' are best with morning sun
and afternoon shade. |
Sedge, Carex
sp. |
Light to medium |
6" to 2' tall |
Clump forming
grasslike plants that grow best in wet soils in the shade. Foliage
color ranges from medium green to blue green, yellow, brown, or
nearly black. |
Soft rush, Juncus
effusus |
Light to medium |
1-1/2 to 2-1/2' tall |
Clumps of medium green
grasslike foliage with tan flowers near the ends of stems. Prefers
wet, boggy soils. |
Tufted hairgrass, Deschampsia
caespitosa |
Light to medium |
1 to 3' tall |
A cool-season clumping
grass. Panicles of light green flowers create almost veil-like
appearance. Prefers moist soil. |
Woodrush, Luzula
sp. |
Light to medium |
6 to 12" tall |
Clumps of gray-green
to medium green foliage covered by downy hairs. Flowers are white
to tan. Prefers moist conditions. |
Fruits and vegetables
Almost all food crops grow best
in sunny locations. Not only do they need full sunlight for good growth,
few tolerate root competition from trees.
Cool-season salad vegetables
such as lettuce, spinach and radishes may benefit from light shading
through the heat of the summer. Beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi,
peas, potatoes, rhubarb and turnips will grow in light shade but not
produce as large a crop as plants growing in full sun. For specific
variety recommendations, consult MU publication G6201,
Planting Calendar.
Currants and gooseberries are
fruits which tolerate medium shade and still produce a crop. Bramble
fruits such as blackberries and raspberries grow in light shade, but
yields will be reduced. Variety recommendations may be found in MU
publication G6005,
and Nut Varieties for Home Plantings.
Article reprinted with permission of University
of Missouri Extension
Originally published as Agricultural Publication G06911 |