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May 11, 2005

Wild Weather...
I would be remiss if I didn't start this editorial talking about the weather. It seems to be a bit early to be talking about hot and humid weather but that is certainly what we have had these last two days. UGH! I am not quite ready to go there... Some severe storms around Kansas City today, maybe even tomorrow and Friday. I always seem to forget that this time of the year is so susceptible to crazy weather. Hot as the dickens one day, rain a day or two, cool weather for a few days and then a spike back to warmer temperatures. I am almost as confused as my plants. My roses are practically all in bloom and it is only mid May. My pansies are hanging in there, although if we have too many more days at 89
° or above I will certainly have to replace them. I have so many little projects going on. Hopefully with this brief cool down I can finish planting, transplanting, mulching and everything else that needs to be completed. Time to get serious!

Look for the winner of the Family Tree Nursery $500 gift certificate in next weeks newsletter. We will be drawing the name this weekend. Thanks to all of you who helped to support me in my fight to find a cure for Breast Cancer. My 60 mile walk is a short 6 weeks away. Your encouragement through donations and e-mails will help me complete this daunting physical task. I am excited and a bit nervous. I will take good notes and many pictures to share with all of you. Once again I have been overwhelmed by your generosity.

~ Shelly  

Frosty Taters...
Many people had potato plants that had emerged before the freezes last week. Some are wondering what to do about damaged potato plants. With an adequate sized seed piece, potatoes will bounce back very quickly. Research has shown that potato plants 12 inches tall frozen completely to the ground will recover with little to no loss of production. Surprisingly they were not even delayed in reaching maturity. So, do not remove or give up on damaged potato plants. They will recover completely and you will be far ahead of any kind of replacement that you may try to do now.


It's Not Too Late!
Do you feel like spring is slipping away from you?  Just a few weeks ago it seemed like we had all the time in the world to plant.  If you're like us, hectic schedules can make prime planting time slip away.  Don't panic!  There's still plenty to do.  In fact if you hurry you can still sneak in the following: lettuce, onions, spinach, beets, chard, carrots, parsnips, radishes, turnips, shallots, chives and parsley.

Bonus!  Now that soil temperatures are up it's also a great time to get your tomatoes and peppers in the ground if you haven't already done so.

Tastier Tomatoes...
When selecting tomato transplants, choose healthy plants without any blooms. If the tomato plants have blooms or, worse, fruit before you transplant, pinch off the flowers or fruit. If tomatoes set fruit before the plant gets large enough - that is, produces enough leaves - the fruit is small and tasteless. Removing flowers or premature fruit allows the plant to produce more leaves that will make larger tomatoes throughout the growing season. The formula for successful tomato production is quite simple: Healthy leaves equal tasty fruit.


Tip Top Tools...
Here's a great way to keep your gardening hand tools clean and free from rust.  Fill a 5-gallon bucket with play sand.  Moisten the sand with mineral oil or even motor oil.  Plunging your tools into the sand/oil mix several times before storing them will remove the dirt and leave a protective coating of oil on the metal surface.

Getting Rid Of Girdles...
Remember to remove old stakes, ties, and labels from your trees and shrubs.  Stems and trunks grow in diameter this time of year and it is important to remove any constrictions that exist around them.  Even a thin wire can completely girdle a branch causing it to eventually die. While it's true that tree trunks may grow around wire, nails, or ties, they will forever have a structural defect that may be unsightly and is likely prone to storm damage.


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The Right Height...
To prevent weed germination in lawns, mow frequently at the tallest recommended mowing height. Weeds germinate rapidly when turf is scalped by mowing too short or when it is not mowed frequently enough. Both mistakes decrease turf density and cause an open canopy that favors weeds. Experts recommend a range of mowing heights to meet specific turf activities. Lower mowing heights require more frequent mowing. Annual grassy weeds -- such as crabgrass -- are especially a problem on turfs that lack density as a result of poor mowing.

Recommended mowing heights for grass types:

  • Kentucky bluegrass - 2.5 to 3.5 inches.
  • Tall fescue - 3.0 to 4.0 inches.
  • Fescue/bluegrass - 3.0 to 3.5 inches.
  • Bluegrass/ryegrass - 2.5 to 3.5 inches.
  • Perennial ryegrasses - 2.5 to 3.5 inches.
  • Creeping red fescues - 3.0 to 3.5 inches.


Wait For Grub Control...
Grub control products are currently being displayed in the center aisles of retail department and discount stores and are advertised on the radio as providing season-long grub control when applied in early May. Certain insecticides, including imidacloprid (Merit) and halofenozide (Mach 2) do have a very long residual in the soil. However, they should not be applied to lawns until later in the summer by both homeowners and professionals and here’s why:

  1. The goal of white grub insecticides is to prevent turf damage, not eradicate grubs. Grub damage in the spring is very minimal and only seen in the driest of years. The chance of significant grub damage is limited this time of year.
  2. Grubs found in the turfgrass right now are very mature and extremely difficult to kill. Insecticides applied now will not be very effective.
  3. Even if you could control grubs now, it will have no effect on the population of grubs come August when the really damaging generation hatches.
  4. Insecticides applied now will biodegrade over time and may not remain in the soil at high enough concentrations to be effective in August when we really need them. Certainly, they will be more effective if applied closer to the egg hatch date (early August).

You are generally better off waiting until mid-July through mid-August to apply white grub insecticides and then only apply if your lawn has experienced perennial damage from grubs or if you find more than five grubs per square foot.


"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

~ Anais Nin

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