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July 6, 2005

No Place Like It...
It is that time of the year when the garden could not look any better. My summer perennials are in full bloom and look magnificent. Most everything survived that nasty heat spell we had a couple of weeks ago and now the plants seem just as happy as I am that it has cooled off a bit. Isn't it amazing how much better it feels when the humidity drops and the air becomes dry instead of sopping wet? Just the drier air alone is so refreshing. I can stand the heat as long as it isn't humid.

We seem to be getting adequate rainfall which is nice for a change. We missed the storm that passed here Sunday night. It sounds as if we missed a real doozie. We spent the weekend with some friends down at the Lake of the Ozarks and the weather was quite pleasant. Perfect for fishing, relaxing and just hanging out. We didn't venture out on the lake but instead wandered from dock to dock looking at all of the large boats that reside there. A fun place to visit but it is always nice to come home to the comforts of your own. I have to agree with Dorothy, there really is no place like home.

~ Shelly  

Timing Is Everything...
Some of us are morning people, others need more time to get going every day.  The same is true for garden vegetables!  The time of day you pick your vegetables can actually have a dramatic effect on their taste and texture.  For instance,  your lettuce and cucumbers will be crispier if picked early - before the hot sun has had a chance to wilt your crop.  On the other hand corn and peas will be sweeter if you wait until later in the day when their sugar levels are highest.  Yum!

Tomatoes On Potatoes?...
Under favorable weather conditions, potatoes produce fruit. These structures are borne on the top of the plant and look much like small tomatoes. (Tomatoes and potatoes are closely related). Potato fruits are not edible. They contain a toxic substance (solanine) that can cause illness if eaten. Also, potato fruits should not be saved for seed because progeny does not come true. Rather, remove and dispose of fruit so that they are not eaten by children.


Shake It Up...
Although tomatoes are self-pollinating, they need movement to transfer pollen.  If it is hot and calm for several days you may need to gently shake your plants to assure that pollen is properly transferred.  Very hot temperatures can also interfere with blossom set.  One solution is to mist the plants periodically throughout the day.  Careful here!  Wet leaves can promote other diseases.  If you choose to mist do it during the day when plants will have adequate time to dry out before nightfall.

Nurturing Nature's Night Lights...
Some things just mean summer to me.  Fireflies (lightning bugs to some of you) fit that category nicely.  My kids could spend hours catching these magical creatures and putting them in a jar or cage.  Before calling it a night however, I make sure they let the fireflies escape.  Anglers call it catch and release.  We call it good gardening.  You see, the larvae of fireflies dine on cutworms, mites, slugs, snails, soft-bodied insects and the larvae of other insects.  They apparently have voracious appetites and quietly do wonders keeping pests at bay.

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Better Blackberries...
The exact time to harvest blackberries varies by cultivar, and thorny blackberries normally ripen earlier than thornless types. But there are some general guidelines to keep in mind when harvesting blackberries.

  • Do not pick blackberries too early or berry size and flavor will be sacrificed.
  • Blackberries usually develop a dull, black color with plump, juicy fruitlets as they ripen. The berries soften and produce the characteristic flavor.
  • Full color often develops before the berries separate easily.

Pick the berries by gently lifting the berry with the thumb and fingers. The receptacle, or center part of the fruit, remains in the fruit when blackberries are harvested, unlike raspberries, which leave the receptacle on the bush. Take care not to crush the berries or expose them to the hot sun. When possible, avoid picking berries when they are wet. They'll probably need picking every second or third day. Cool the berries immediately after harvest to extend shelf life. Keep them refrigerated under high relative humidity and use within three to five days.



Too Hot To Handle...
When the weather gets really oppressive it's all too easy to want to stay inside and neglect the garden.  Try to do your watering early in the morning, take the afternoon off, and do your weeding, dead-heading, etc... in the evening.  Remember, in this heat watering must be thorough and deep.  If you can't water adequately during hot, dry weather you are actually better off doing nothing at all and I mean nothing.  Plants under severe summer stress compensate by becoming inactive.  Pruning, fertilizing, spraying or otherwise encouraging growth can do more harm than good if water is insufficient.

Battling Brown Patch (continued)...
Just because we're savvy doesn't mean our lawn and gardens are perfect.  Far from it.  Brown patch is having its way with our lawn and we are none too happy about it.  You will recognize brown patch in your lawn by thinning of the turf in clustered, roughly circular patches.  The patches will expand as the problem gets worse.

This is a disease that remains in the soil, so you're not going to get rid of it completely.  All you can do is prevent it through smart horticultural practices and treat it when necessary with appropriately labeled fungicides.  Smart practices include:

  • Avoiding heavy, early spring and summer fertilization, particularly with soluble nitrogen.
  • Watering in the early morning.  Late afternoon and evening watering should be avoided.
  • Remove and dispose of clippings from infected areas or when conditions are conducive to disease development. (Mulching mowers that chop clippings to ¼ inch or less do not contribute to brown patch development.)

"I do not understand how anyone can live without one small place of enchantment to turn to."

~ Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Writer

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